
Google Ads - SEA Agency in Stuttgart

Twist & Schirm is your SEA agency Stuttgart for successful online stores.


As a Google Ads agency in Stuttgart, we help companies achieve their marketing goals and optimize their Ads campaigns. With our experience in search engine marketing and conversion tracking, we ensure maximum reach and high sales.

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42 Reviews

102 Reviews

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Already more than 300+ satisfied customers


Google Ads / SEA Agency - for online stores in Stuttgart

Google Ads is the ideal channel to constantly generate sales for your eCommerce brand. Your target group is already looking for you!

SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising and is today an indispensable part of the marketing concept of every e-commerce company. The reason for this is obvious: In contrast to costly and long-term planned SEO, Google Ads & Co. can achieve immediate success.


As an agency specializing in SEA / Google Ads for online stores in Stuttgart, we are completely dedicated to quickly increasing sales through search engine advertising. With us, you benefit from an experienced approach that takes into account all risk factors, continuously monitors your performance and successes, and immediately initiates optimization steps. With this professional support, your investments in SEA measures will pay off to the maximum!


While many agencies in Stuttgart oversee a wide range of marketing measures, we at Twist und Schirm have focused on specialization and comprehensive expertise in the field of SEA. As a performance marketing and SEA agency for online stores in Stuttgart, we support your e-commerce company in placing professional search engine advertising in the form of search engine ads and in Google Shopping results.


In addition to designing high-reach teasers and ads, our focus is on analyzing the performance of SEA measures after they have been placed.

Over 300+ customers trust Twist&Schirm

We have already successfully scaled over 300 brands. Among them Glad Skin, Käfer, Gaia, Redbull and many more! See our references for yourself.
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T&S is your Growth Advisor

We are not a run-of-the-mill performance marketing agency, we are your Ecom Growth Advisor with over 25 experts in our team and over 300 successfully scaled brands.

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We show you 100% free of charge our strategies with which we scale brands to 6,7 or 8-digit sales, with a huge profit margin!
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Team picture cloud June 2023

FAQs to our Google Ads agency in Stuttgart

We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about us as a Google Ads agency for online stores in a free consultation with our account manager.

What are Google Ads campaigns?

Ads campaigns are advertising campaigns that are placed in search results or on other platforms such as Google or Facebook to generate more traffic to the website and thus increase sales.

Why is conversion tracking so essential?

Conversion tracking is essential to measure and optimize the effectiveness of Ads campaigns. By analyzing the conversion rates, weak points in the campaigns can be uncovered and optimized to achieve better results.

What are Shopping Ads?

Shopping Ads are special ads that present products directly in search results and direct potential customers to the corresponding product page. They are an effective way to increase website traffic and boost sales. Especially for online stores & e-commerce an important component.

Why is an SEA agency in Stuttgart important?

An SEA agency in Stuttgart is indispensable to ensure that the ads campaigns are optimally tailored to the target group and achieve the desired results. We have the necessary know-how and experience to optimize the campaigns and achieve a higher reach and sales for your online store.

What are Display Ads?

Display ads are advertisements that are placed on other websites and platforms outside the search engine results. They are an effective way to increase awareness and reach of the company and reach potential customers.

What are keyword options?

Keyword options are settings that determine for which search queries the ads should be displayed. By selecting the right keyword options, ad agencies like Twist & Schirm can ensure that ads are only displayed for relevant search queries and thus reach potential customers.

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization is the optimization of the website for search engines like Google to achieve a better ranking in the search results. This involves taking various measures to make the website more user-friendly and relevant for the search engine. A good search engine optimization can help the company to be found better in the search results and thus generate more traffic to the website.

What are PPC campaigns?

PPC campaigns (pay-per-click) are advertising campaigns in which the company pays per click on the ad. Here, the ad is placed in the search results or on other platforms and the company pays only when a potential customer clicks on the ad. PPC campaigns are an effective way to increase website traffic and boost sales.

What are the advantages of an SEA agency like Twist & Schirm?

We offer companies professional support and optimization of their SEA campaigns. This allows companies to increase their reach and sales and keep up with the competition. Through the know-how and our experience, mistakes can also be avoided and the campaigns can be optimized to achieve the best possible results.

How long does it take before the first successes are visible?

The time it takes for the first successes to become visible depends on various factors, such as the industry, the competition and the company's marketing goals. As a rule, however, the first successes are already visible after a few weeks, if the campaigns are optimally matched to the target group and the right keywords and targeting options have been selected.

What data is needed when creating Ads campaigns?

Various data is required for the creation of Ads campaigns, such as information on the target group, the industry and the company's products. In addition, information about the competition and the marketing goals are needed to optimally match the campaigns to the target group and to achieve the best possible results.

How does SEA support by Twist & Schirm in Stuttgart work?

With us, the support is individual and tailored to the needs of the company. We work closely with our clients and provide regular consultation and optimization of the campaigns to achieve the best possible results. We also provide our clients with regular reports and analysis to measure and optimize the effectiveness of the campaigns. This is the calculating element in performance marketing - you can see directly whether it is worthwhile or not.