
UGC AuthenticSocial Ads Agency

Would you like to enrich your marketing mix with user-generated content (UGC) and inspire your target group with authentic content?


Then we are the right partner at your side! As a specialized UGC agency, we design strategies and find content creators that represent your product and brand with maximum credibility. Offer your target group a change from classic advertising - with UGC content and UGC ads from Twist&Schirm!

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Advantages of our user-generated content agency: what makes Twist&Schirm stand out

At Twist&Schirm, we focus on promotional videos and posts with maximum authenticity! By choosing a content creator perfectly suited to your company and your marketing, we succeed in presenting your brand and your products in a credible way. This way, you will achieve the best possible performance of your UGC Ads in cooperation with us. The other advantages of working with our UGC agency at a glance:

  • Multiple formats: Choose one format for UGC (e.g. videos) or have your content played out in multiple formats! With us, you offer your customers a varied experience of your brand.

  • Own Creator Base: The relevant UGC platforms only act as intermediaries and refer Creatives to companies. Our own creator base makes collaboration faster and more efficient.

  • Performance marketing: As an experienced agency for performance marketing, we are data-driven and meticulously evaluate the placed advertising videos and other user-generated content - conversion, ROAS, CTR, etc.!

  • Analyses, tracking and reports: In order to operate performance marketing, you need tools and concepts to evaluate the key figures efficiently. We provide you with all this and regular reports!

  • Optimization and retargeting: We constantly evaluate your advertising and take measures to optimize it. Through retargeting, we offer customers a solution to complete abandoned purchases after all.

  • Cross-platform: to drive your growth quickly, we set up UGC ads on demand on multiple social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and provide more customer touchpoints for each user.

  • Fair prices: Since we don't have to pay fees to middlemen, prices are low. We connect Creators with you. Based on your meetings and Creator content, we run Winning Ads.


Why is user-generated content worthwhile in marketing?

In specialist circles, this is sometimes referred to as "ad fatigue". Users on the Internet are overtired by the many ads on various channels. From Google Ads to Facebook Ads to ads in mail accounts, users are confronted with classic advertising from companies. No matter how well designed the advertising may be and how finely the product may be presented, some users become jaded and the advertising misses its mark.

The appropriate and conversion-boosting answer to user ad fatigue is user-generated content (UGC). With UGC, the ads are not served by the company itself, but by one or more content creators. A content creator is a person who is trusted by their subscribers. In addition, a content creator is skilled at promoting products authentically, thereby making users feel that the product in question is actually the best one for them. Content creators can be influencers, but they don't necessarily have to be. First and foremost, our creators are experts in UGC ads and the various platforms. This means they know what's trending on TikTok and other channels and create content that has 300-400% better click-through rates.

UGC marketing is mainly carried out on social media channels, with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok in particular offering the prospect of high conversion rates. The advantages of UGC marketing are particularly noticeable in e-commerce for B2C customers, because the potential customers for most e-commerce products can be reached via social media and thus via the social ads.

Over 300+ customers trust Twist&Schirm

We have already successfully scaled over 300 brands. Among them Glad Skin, Käfer, Gaia, Redbull and many more! See our references for yourself.
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Take a look at our Goldnugget content on YouTube, with which you can probably already scale to a good 7-digit annual turnover without our help! Great insights on over 300 successfully managed brands.
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FAQ: User-generated content agency

We have compiled the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject of user-generated content (UGC) for you here.

What is meant by UGC?

UGC is user-generated content - content that is generated by users. User-generated content is generally perceived as trustworthy and authentic. This makes UGC increasingly interesting for online marketing.

What does a UGC agency do?

A UGC agency has knowledge of marketing on social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and others) and contacts with content creators. With these resources, the UGC agency creates promotional videos and other ads for companies (especially those in e-commerce). Since each UGC Ad is created by influential users, the many followers of the ad usually donates a great deal of trust.

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What is the cost of a UGC agency?

The costs for the services of a user-generated content agency cannot be said in advance. Prices vary depending on how extensive the collaboration is and what goals and wishes a customer expresses. Therefore, please feel free to contact us and get a free consultation!

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In which cities can you reach our UGC agency?

UGC Agency Berlin
UGC Agency Hamburg
UGC Agency Stuttgart
UGC Agency Munich

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