
SEO agency for online stores in Munich

For online stores to generate sales, you have to be found by the target group. To search for information or specific products, most people nowadays use search engines like Google and Co. to find relevant content. So in order for potential customers to see you, your Munich online store has to show up in the top results of search engines.

42 Reviews

102 Reviews

17 reviews

42 Reviews

102 Reviews

17 reviews

Already more than 300+ satisfied customers


Thanks to professional support to the top of the Google rankings

Organic Google search is the ideal channel for an online store to become independent of paid advertising.

In order for customers to be convinced of what your Munich online store has to offer, it must first be noticed. Since a large part of the traffic for online stores nowadays comes via search engines, a good placement in the results lists for relevant search queries is crucial for the success of your Munich online store. Most users visit a maximum of the first five to ten search engine results in order to find specific products in their search.


SEO measures for online stores

With the right tactics, the spotlight is shined on your products. The SEO spotlights ensure that the interest of potential customers is focused on your store, increased leads are generated and more conversions are produced. All it takes is the right SEO measures, which we offer for your online store.


Twist and Schirm: Your competent SEO partner for more sales
As a Munich-based online store, the task is to stand out against numerous competitors in the almost endless range of products and services on the World Wide Web. First and foremost, it is important to be seen by potential customers in the first place. Search engines offer a very high traffic and thus sales potential. Online store operators who forego this potential will find it difficult to prevail over their competitors in the long term.

Over 300+ customers trust Twist&Schirm

We have already successfully scaled over 300 brands. Among them Glad Skin, Käfer, Gaia, Redbull and many more! See our references for yourself.
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T&S is your Growth Advisor

We are not a run-of-the-mill performance marketing agency, we are your Ecom Growth Advisor with over 25 experts in our team and over 300 successfully scaled brands.

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We show you 100% free of charge our strategies with which we scale brands to 6,7 or 8-digit sales, with a huge profit margin!
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Team picture cloud June 2023

FAQs to our SEO agency from Munich

We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about us as an SEO agency for online stores in a free consultation with our account manager.

What is OnPage optimization?

OnPage optimization deals with modifications on your own website. Thus, relevant keywords should be incorporated into texts and meta data so that your website ranks for these keywords. The URL of your own store should also be kept short. Here it is also advisable to work with the right keywords. Avoid special characters and too long, complicated URLs. Media content is also rated positively. Images and videos contribute to user-friendliness and are in tune with the times. The content must be provided with alt text and description to be perceived by visually impaired people.

What is OffPage Optimization?

The term OffPage optimization refers to all measures outside of one's own website. Trust and authority are generated through the use of backlinks. Active advertising on blogs and forums or through the support of influencers provides additional traffic to online stores. On Facebook and Instagram, Creatives are one of the main variables. With our experience of what creatives for online stores should look like, we give you a competitive edge

In which cities is Twist & Schirm available?

Currently we support online stores in Germany in the following 3 cities: